我院罗德庆博士论文在Economic Modelling期刊正式发表


       近日,我院教师罗德庆博士为第一作者的论文“Sustainable investment under ESG volatility and ambiguity 在经济学国际权威期刊Economic ModellingSSCI, Q1, 中科院二区, ADBC A, ABS2, JIF=4.7, 我校A级学术成果)正式在线发表。文章链接:

    This paper investigates the impacts of ambiguity regarding environmental, social, and governance (ESG) from unclear ESG performance of assets on agents’ optimal portfolios, equilibrium excess returns, and welfare. We consider scenarios involving one or more risky assets with multiple heterogeneous agents in the market. Our results suggest that ESG ambiguity affects the perceptions of ESG-sensitive agents, decreasing demand for green assets, reducing their overall welfare, and increasing equilibrium excess returns. Moreover, risky assets in the green market exhibit lower equilibrium excess returns than in the green-neutral market. Additionally, the equilibrium return of brown assets is significantly higher than that of green assets, and the difference in the ambiguity between the two will further increase this gap. Our findings highlight the importance of establishing a standardized and transparent ESG scoring system to enhance the accuracy of ESG disclosure.
